May is ‘national walking month’. Many websites and bloggers are picking up on the theme and encouraging us to get out and get fit. I think this is a great thing. However, that’s not where my mind went when I saw printed in my calendar Walking Month. I was transported back to my youth and a certain Dire Straits song. Here’s a link for those not as old as me 'Walk of Life'
As the song went around in my head. I began to muse over how often walking is used as a metaphor for life. Last week I wrote about starting easy and small beginnings. This week I find myself sticking with a similar theme. When you are on a journey each step is important even the small ones. Sustained progress rarely comes in huge leaps. In fact on difficult paths and rough terrain, small steps can be the most secure.
If the road ahead of you looks long or challenging just focus on the next step. You can do this. One step at a time and you will reach the destination. I couldn’t resist sharing this little toddler photo.
Why don’t you share with me in the comments your next step? I will cheer you on!
If you like my illustrations they are available to buy as prints, greetings cards, or cushions in my online shop here: rafikiartstudio/shop
Self exploration, hopefully not singing oldies or goldies. I definitely don't have action or motion. But learning a bit of one step after another in exploring me.