Yesterday was #World Productivity Day which is ironic, as here I am 2 days late with this blog post. I want to put our ‘hustle culture’ in room 101. It seems like worth these days is measured by how much you do. That was one of the big concerns I had about the NHS before I left. Services were being measured by their activity levels not their quality of care. Numbers seemed to matter more than anyone's narrative.
Even in the self-care arena ticking off mindfulness activities and trying new things can be a driver. Have you meditated today? When are you going to give cold water swimming a go?
I’m in a particularly busy season of life. My boys are doing A’ levels, we’re moving house and planning an accessible annex extension, and juggling health appointments. It has dawned on me that even in the midst of this I’m pushing to get all else done too. Maybe getting my tasks done at the times I set isn’t realistic. Perhaps I should be taking some time out to just be?
Do you know how to just be? I’m not sure I do! I’m going to try just sitting and breathing. No fancy patterns - box or deep or puffing, just being alive with no agenda or pressure. If you have any ideas on just being please do share them with me here or over on my Facebook page
All this musing on taking it easy took me back to childhood and the Cadburys bunny. If you have that silky voice in your head and you’d like to reminisce with me or indeed if you’ve no clue what I’m on about check out this old advert.
I’m not promoting chocolate but having some whilst ‘just being’ sounds great to me.
The Cadbury's Caramel was always too sweat for me. Much prefer milk chocolate and being a gorilla drumming. I never did learn to play the drums. Perhaps some cycling just for the sake of it, and observing the scenery, rather than to get somewhere. Perhaps some chocolate whilst cycling 🤔🙂!